Strip Club owner buys house next door to ex-wife...


(love this one)

He's been shot twice, and he once was the target of a murder contract. He wrote an autobiography and bought and sold 11 local topless clubs. His name is Alan Markovitz and at 59, he demonstrates that age is but a number by pulling off the most immature yet amazingly brilliant move - he bought the house next door to his ex wife, purely so he could flip her and their daughter the middle finger 24/7, erecting a big statue - OF A FLIPPED MIDDLE FINGER!

Alan Markovitz, AKA The Topless Prophet, star of an HBO reality show, told Deadline Detroit: 'I'm so over her', which is exactly the sane, calm and rational response, displayed so eloquently through his choice of backyard sculpture.

Buying a Detroit property: A second mortgage
Outdoor spotlight: $300
Giant 12ft bronzed middle finger statue: $7,000
Flipping off your ex-wife for the rest of her life every morning, afternoon and night: PRICELESS!

(excerpts from this post taken from:

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